I really wanted to use my cake decorating skills, so I decided to make a cake for the Fourth of July. I asked Eric what kind of cake he would like and he said cherry chocolate. Not what I would have chosen, but whatever. I used this recipe for the cake: http://www.cooks.com/rec/doc/0,166,150184-239195,00.html.

1 Package Chocolate Cake Mix
1 Can Cherry Pie Filling
2 Eggs
1/2 tsp. Almond Extract

Mix ingredients well in a large bowl. Grease and flour the bottom (not the sides) of an eight inch cake pan. Pour batter into pan (should come up about halfway) and bake for 35 to 40 minutes.
Of course, I used my fancy Wilton bake even strips. You just saturate them in water and wrap them around the outside of your cake pan. It really makes it so easy to get the cake out of the pan after baking.
After it finished baking, I let it cool completely on a wire cooling rack.
After it was completed cooled, I frosted it with white decorating frosting- 1 lb powered sugar, 1 cup shortening, 1 T meringue powder, and 7-8 T of water. I think my frosting was a little too stiff because I got a lot of crumbs stuck in it. To thin your frosting just add 1-2 more T of water. Next, I made my colors: blue and red. My decorating teacher told me to make red I should start with pink. I started with pink, but it still took almost half the container of red food coloring to make it red. I had printed an image of a flag onto regular paper. Then I used tinted piping gel to trace the image onto parchment paper. I then transferred the image onto my cake by laying the paper, piping gel side down, onto my cake. However, I wasn't really thinking and transferred the image backwards. I forgot about the whole mirror image thing. I was ready to just throw the cake out the window by this point, but Eric came and saved the day. He scraped the image off the cake and re-transferred it (correctly). Then, I used a Wilton size 12 tip to fill in my flag. I also used a star tip to make the stars. 

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